This seventh season of Simple Stories in Spanish is updating some of my favorite episodes. Today’s remake is from Season 3, episode 5: La Leyenda del Quetzal. In the middle of the Guatemalan flag there is a beautiful green bird with a bright red chest and a long flowing tail. It is the quetzal, a symbol of liberty and a nahual, or spirit guide, of the Maya and Quiché people. There are many legends surrounding this stunning and elusive bird and today’s story shares one of them.
This story is in the past tense. Repeated words and phrases include “tribu” (tribe), “cacique” (chieftan), “guerreros” (warriors), “pecho” (chest), and the verbs “iba” (was going), “era” (was), and “fue” (was/went). No matter where you are in your language journey, stories will help you on your way. You can find a transcript of the story and read along at