This sixth season of Simple Stories in Spanish is inspired by requests from my listeners. Silvia loves sweets a bit too much. Her love of sugar catches up with her in the form of a toothache. Now she must visit the dentist. First, the hygienist takes x-rays and cleans up her teeth. Then the dentist comes in for a visit. One thing is for sure, Sylvia needs to take better care of her teeth!
This story is told in the present tense. Repeated words and phrases include “caramelos” (candy), “higienista dental” (dental hygienist), “hilo dental” (dental floss), “encías” (gums), “sarro” (tartar), “carie” (cavity), and “empaste” (filling). No matter where you are in your language journey, stories will help you on your way. You can find a transcript of the story and read along at
¡Muchas gracias por escuchar! Thank you for listening, and a HUGE thank you for your support. I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories in Spanish. If you would like to help me in that endeavor, consider buying me a taco at