Episode 03- "Being a Female Entrepreneur PT1"
Welcome to a special 2-part series in honour of Women's History Month. We take a look at the entrepreneurship world from a female perspective.
Being a woman in the small business world isn’t easy. Even if you don’t self-identify as a woman, because of recent media movements, you can probably gather that it’s not exactly a walk in the park for females. There’s been a shift, on a large scale, in society recently. The #metoo and #timesup movements have brought some incredible awareness to the issues of inequality through mass media. It’s no longer taboo to discuss experiences. There is a power behind the voices that speak up. But, these developments are relatively new when you think about it.
How is the gender gap being addressed and how can women learn to negotiate equal pay in the freelancing world. We also look at the role of men in the fight for a more equalitarian and inclusive society.
**Episode Guests**
Rubina Shaikh
Thanks to Rubina Shaikh for sharing her experience as a female entrepreneur and freelancer. To learn more about Rubina go to https://www.linkedin.com/in/rubinashaikh/
Kathlyn Hart
Thanks to Kathlyn for a genuinely insightful conversation on how women can build confidence and negotiate equal pay in the freelancing and entrepreneurship world. To hear more about Kathlyn, her coaching services and all the fantastic work she does, check out her Podcast: "The Kathlyn Hart Show."
Rachel Wynn
Thank you to Rachel for her insights on feminism and the role of men in the fight for equality. Rachel is a "self-proclaimed feminist" who leads The Feminist Founder group. To learn more and join the ongoing conversations go to https://www.feministfounder.com/
Rachel is also the CEO of Starlight Social. If you need Social Media management for your site or business, go to https://www.starlightsocial.com/
** Episode Citations**
Here are the links to some of the citations we had and resources on feminism, gender gap and women's rights.
1) CBS and Refinery 29 poll on feminism amongst Millenials https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/midterm-election-women-dont-identify-as-feminists
2) the #metoo Movement
3) Time'sUp Movement
4) https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/life/1918-vs-2018-13-things-women-couldnt-do-100-years-ago/
6) https://www.freshbooks.com/press/data-research/women-in-the-workforce-2018
Center Stage
Thanks to Martha McCallum for submitting her story! If you want to learn more about this incredible entrepreneur go to https://marthashelihikes.com/
If you want to apply to be featured on Center Stage go to www.freshbooks.com/podcast
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