Did you know you can have a big bank account and still be bankrupt? In this episode, you will discover the dangers of being spiritually bankrupt despite having wealth, title, status, and worldly success.
Are you struggling to balance your financial success, building your business or career with your spiritual growth? If so, this episode of the podcast is for you.
You have a mandate to build, expand and steward in every area of your life. At the same time, you must be aware of the dangers that accompany accumulating natural resources. We see clearly in scripture that there is a spirit attached to money and that the love of money is the root of all evil.
So what do we need to watch out for?
In present-day culture, we are comfortable and live in abundance; we don’t really ‘need’ anything. In Revelation chapter three, Jesus confronts the church of Laodicea and quotes them as claiming they are rich and are in need of nothing.
It is possible to be a believer and put your trust in earthly wealth, Laodecia did.
Discover the test you need to pass if you are to be trusted with stewarding wealth and resources.
Learn how to live generously and receive blessings you can be a blessing with the prosperity entrusted to you.
Meet the man in the Bible who could have remembered in an entirely different way if he had learned the secret of the open hand.
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