What can learning designers, instructional designers, and content developers do to maximize the chance that learning transfer will happen? The design of the learning experience falls squarely on the shoulders of the learning designer. And providing learners with access to training does not guarantee post-training behavior change. Even the most engaging piece of learning content won't inspire a change in the thoughts or actions of learners.
There are many elements that influence learning transfer, and each element must work in harmony for the training to be a success. As a designer of learning, you play an important role in promoting learning transfer. Through the medium of learning design, you can bridge the gap between learning and performance by making it easier for learners to see the connections between training and the work environment. We'll review these evidence-based learning design methods and help you maximize the chances of your learning designs leading to learning transfer.
Fergal is a learning transfer expert who freely shares his evidence-based learning transfer approaches with the learning community. Fergal has worked across the spectrum of L&D in training delivery, learning design, and learning consultancy, and holds an MSc in Education and Training, and a BSc in Psychology. Fergal also hosts Learning Transfer Radio - the only podcast fully focused on turning learning into improved performance. Contact Fergal for speaking engagements, writing opportunities, or learning transfer consultancy by visiting www.fergalconnolly.com.
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