As an aspiring, or new, instructional designer, PowerPoint is okay to start building eLearning graphics. But at a certain point you'll need to level up your skillset in graphics creation by moving to Photoshop.
After all, you're a professional now. It's time to start working like one and using professional-grade tools.
Photoshop is a powerful tool that will support you in designing and creating learning solutions of all types.
Mark Lassoff, Founder of Tech Learning Network, joins us to share his top Photoshop features that instructional designers need to know and can't do in PowerPoint.
Here's a few we plan to cover:
- Creative Coloration for Dramatic Effect
- Compositing One Image From Several Sources
- Cutting Elements out of a Complex Background
- Cleaning up a Messy Image with Content Awareness
We are a community and should all be helping each other raise our collective level of professional skills. Tune in with a friend!
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Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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