Learning and Development leaders and their teams support many different stakeholders. But all of these stakeholders play an important role in the success of each enterprise. If our job is to help them improve their performance than we must learn to become better advisors to those lines of business.
Jess Almlie joins us to talk about becoming a trusted business advisor. For Jess, this is key in doing our best work as L&D professionals. Working as a trusted business advisor allows us to get out of the order-taking business and into the business of working strategically, maximizing our use of time and resources, and creating solutions that impact the organization. If we have the trust of our business stakeholders, we can say yes strategically (saying "no" to items that won't be solved by learning and/or are just "nice to have"), be proactive in our approach, and really work collaboratively with our business stakeholders as opposed to just doing things for them.
It's an important part of building your career as an L&D professional. And if you're already in a position of leadership, you'll benefit from this conversation as well. In fact, we need you to join us and share your experiences. Save your spot today!
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Chris: @Chris_V_W
Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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