Searching for new ways to create engaging media elements in training projects is an ongoing challenge for most designers. Animation beyond the standard effects require deeper thought in design and often involves additional skills in a variety of tools. And the barriers to learning new animation software results in not pursuing a more engaging approach. With smartphone cameras, available apps and software, we can dramatically reduce those barriers and get started with designing creative stop-motion animation videos to tell stories, explain processes, and more.
Lucky for us, Kevin Thorn has a talent stack filled with creativity and he's willing to share those skills with all of us. Join us for an amazing conversation and instructional session on how anyone can use their mobile device for creating stop motion animation elements for eLearning projects. You may already know Kevin from our Drink'n'draw sessions, and so you don't want to miss this Sip'n'Snap session that is sure to level up your eLearning development skillset.
Kevin is an award-winning eLearning designer & developer, consultant, and owner of NuggetHead Studioz, LLC., a boutique custom design and development studio specializing in online learning experiences.
After retiring from the US Army, Kevin pursued a career in corporate IT and Training & Development. With his combined military and industry experience, Kevin started the Studioz in 2012 working with clients in various industries solving problems in a wide-range of creative projects.
Based in the North Mississippi Delta, Kevin, the Chief NuggetHead harnesses a bench a creative practitioners in instructional design, elearning development, illustration and graphic design, animation, and serious comics. Kevin is a well-known industry speaker and trainer on elearning development, design workflows, and is also a certified facilitator in LEGO®Serious Play® methodologies.
Academic stuff: BS in Information Technology Management from Christian Brothers University (2003) and MS in Instructional Design and Technology from the University of Memphis (2018).
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Kevin: @LearnNuggets
Brent: @BSchlenker
Chris: @Chris_V_W
Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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