Facilitation is about mastering how to deliver an engaging learning experience, all in the effort of improving workplace performance. Instructional designers work hard to do the same. But often times lack facilitation skills or the nuanced understanding of facilitating a learning experience. Let's connect these valuable skillsets and improve training experiences for everyone.
In our current digital world it might be easy to believe the art of facilitation is a lost and unnecessary craft. But facilitation is alive and well. We, as humans, love interacting with each other. And as much as we'd like to think everything is automated, humans still learn best from other humans.
Nikki O’Keeffe and Darryl Wyles, 2 of the 4 authors of Facilitation in Action, join us this week to discuss the art of facilitation. It is a broad topic, with wide ranging methods and models to explore. We'll likely hit on topics like empathy and inclusive facilitation, as well as understanding multiple modalities of training. And if you're interested in finding your own facilitation style we'll talk about that journey as well.
And for you technical types, yes we'll talk about the technology involved and best methods of facilitation utilizing today's best technologies. Join us for a special 2-guest episode of IDIODC.
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Brent: @BSchlenker
Chris: @Chris_V_W
Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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