Having instructional design skills and knowledge can open up many different career paths. The easiest distinction for many is either being in education/higher ed or going the corporate route. If you decided to go the corporate route, you would typically land in the HR department designing training solutions for internal employees.
However, more and more IDs are making the shift to corporate product departments and designing learning systems for external users of the product or services the company offers.
Is there a difference in your ID work for one versus the other? Some say yes. Others say no, instructional design is instructional design no matter what.
We asked B.J. Schone to join us and help facilitate this conversation. He's an experienced instructional designer and has been in both departments over his career. This career conversation will help IDs get a better understanding of their options and how they may, or may not, be shifting their methods and models between settings.
We'll also talk about the technology issues involved as well. So, if you're an eLearning developer with instructional design skills and looking at an opportunity as a one-person-band this conversation is for you as well.
Become virtual friends with the IDIODC gang on Twitter. Remember you can always stay in the loop by searching through the #IDIODC tag:
Brent: @BSchlenker
Chris: @Chris_V_W
Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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