Do you know if your eLearning is accessible? If no, why not?
As an instructional designer it's your responsibility to make sure your eLearning projects are accessible for all possible learners. And hey, you eLearning developers! This is your responsibility as well. Even if it is not mandated within your industry, it's the right thing to do.
Jenny Wincek joins us from Interactive Advantage to talk about the Trusted Tester program. We will cover some of the basics of 508 and WCAG compliance as well as why accessibility is important. We'll also discuss how your current testing might not be enough, and that could be putting you and your team at risk.
Just like SCORM standardized eLearning content packages for corporate training Trusted Tester Version 5 (TTV5) is the latest standardized uniform testing approach for accessibility compliance and conformity.
And did you know there is an Accessibility Conformance Reporting Tool? Yea, I didn't know either. But, don't worry, Jenny is here to walk us through the TTV5, share some stories, and answer your questions.
Tell your Training Manager and team about this extremely important conversation. It's the perfect opportunity for team-based professional development.
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Chris: @Chris_V_W
Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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