Welcome back friends to the first episode of IDIODC back from summer vacation! We gotta say, we missed you guys. We can't wait to start off September with a conversation over a much needed cup of coffee with just us learning folk.
Reminder for season 3, if you want to catch us live on Crowdcast.com, we will now be airing at 10am ET. Don't miss us! https://www.crowdcast.io/dominknow
For this first episode of IDIODC Season 3, we will be talking with the ever so intelligent, Anna Leach! There are very few data analysts who understand instructional design, or care about it for that matter. As we all hear about the coming tsunami of data via xAPI and other technologies, we need to figure out how to use it. More importantly, we need to understand why it's important to gather data and plan how we will use it to improve the learning solutions we provide. We'll have a great conversation with Anna about her journey and what she's learned while blending the fields of Learning Technologies and Data Analytics.
Anna is a PhD student and graduate teaching associate at the School of Information at the University of Arizona. The iSchool focuses on the intersection of people, technology, and information. Her studies are focused educational technology and the information it produces or consumes and how it can or does impact humans. She is working to understand the value of the data collected and how it can empower learners and elevate learning. She is researching what data is collected in our LMSes (and other learning tools), how much we understand about data privacy, and how we interpret this data for assessment.
Prior to the PhD program, Anna worked as a data analyst at the Ohio State University. She also completed her Masters in Learning Technologies in the Fall of 2017 through the Ohio State University online program. She has discussed her data analysis journey in a TEDxPSU talk titled Beyond the Numbers: A Data Analyst Journey. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2oOFs4WgI0&feature=youtu.be
In her free time, she spends time with her family and pug Skully or hiking or crocheting.
You can learn some more about Anna on her LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annaroseleach/
Become virtual friends with the IDIODC gang on twitter. Now you can follow our official Twitter account as well! & Remember you can always stay in the loop by searching through the #IDIODC tag:
IDIODC: @TeamIDIODC https://twitter.com/TeamIDIODC
Anna: @AnnaRoseLeach https://twitter.com/AnnaRoseLeach
Brent: @BSchlenker https://twitter.com/BSchlenker
Chris: @Chris_V_W https://twitter.com/Chris_V_W
Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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