There are many frustrations working in Corporate Learning & Development. And there are many opinions as to why Learning & Development, and training departments struggle to be recognized as important parts of the business.
Mark Oehlert joins us with what may, or may not, be one of the most controversial reasons why L&D struggles. And could it really be as simple as how the accounting department accounts for our existence?
But wait! This conversation is surely not as boring as accounting sounds. Trust me, it won't be. Mark is not your typical eLearning geek. He's a deep thinker with unique insights into many of the cultural struggles that have plagued enterprises for decades. And as an anthropologist and historian he brings a very different thinking process to our industry.
This is sure to be an enlightening and entertaining episode... especially if someone will do me a favor and ask in the chat why SCORM was his fault. Save your spot in crowdcast so you're notified with a reminder.
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Chris: @Chris_V_W
Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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