VR Headsets? Avatars? Metaverse? You may have heard these terms, but aren't sure how you might apply them in your learning solutions. You may still believe they are too expensive and out of reach for you and your team. In this episode we wanted to help training professionals understand where the VR industry is at and if anything has changed over the last few years.
I was pleasantly surprised by the number of chat room attendees who had experience building VR learning solutions. That, in and of itself, is a huge change from our previous experiences talking about VR on IDIODC.
Solving specific business problems requiring training of physical, real world, problems is by far the most used case of virtual reality, We talked about how these technologies can help you achieve better L&D outcomes and some of the many use cases. But today’s VR training isn’t just for technical skills training – many companies use VR for onboarding, DEI, communication, and leadership training, whether stand-alone or in blended learning scenarios. Several attendees mentioned their experiences in these unique scenarios.
Lee Gregory, from Immerse, joined us to share his expertise and experience using these technologies with Immerse clients. You might be surprised by how they’re building a marketplace for virtual reality developers. Maybe someday soon we’ll see VR training similar to the video style training we see on platforms like LinkedIn learning.
It’s hard to say where it will lead. But the one thing we do know is that it’s an extremely powerful tool for learning and while it still may be a little pricey, it continues to get cheaper and companies are asking for it.
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Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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