So you finally finished your EdTech degree and landed your first job. Congratulations! Now what?
Transitioning from academia to corporate life is a big transition in itself, but it’s not your last. At some point will need to decide if moving into management is right for your career. Making the leap is not an easy decision.There are pros & cons to be weighed. Are you okay giving up your technical skills? Will you enjoy strategic problem solving? Are you doing it just for more money?
This week we are lucky to have Mel Milloway as our guest. She recently moved into the ranks of management and will talk with us about making that transition. From individual contributor to managing a team is part of our agenda, but we’ll also talk about L&D career planning in general. The paths people take in this industry are as varied as the paths people take getting started. Join us and share your stories in the chat room while we enjoy a cup of career coffee together.
Mel has a seriously jam-packed resume. With over 8 years experience in the field of corporate learning, she has made her mark on the community. During the day Mel leads a team of six Learning Experience Designers to deliver learning solutions on a wide variety of topics. In her personal time, she uses LinkedIn to share how she tests new technologies and practices in the field of learning. Mel takes what she does outside of work and implements it within the team she's working on, such as exploring how to design a data measurement strategy and then implementing the strategy through the usage of xAPI to measure the outcomes of learning projects.
You can reach Mel and learn more about her and some of her projects on her site here!
Or you can learn more about Mel on her LinkedIn.
Become virtual friends with the IDIODC gang on twitter. Remember you can always stay in the loop by searching through the #IDIODC tag:
Mel: @MelMilloway
Brent: @BSchlenker
Chris: @Chris_V_W
Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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