Technology advancements are rapidly forcing corporate learning leaders to rethink their internal L&D strategies. Retooling the technology infrastructure is a big part of that strategy in many cases because past systems have not kept up. Learning Experience Platforms are a perfect example. But how does this impact you, the instructional designer or elearning developer with little influence over those strategic decisions?
In this episode of IDIODC Becky Willis joins us to shed some light on strategic decision-making at higher levels within the enterprise. She'll share her experiences helping large companies transition to Learning Experience Platforms and implementation issues all instructional designers should understand. Transitioning to new technologies is never easy. But rest assured we will all experience it more than once in our careers. Join us and prepare yourself for how you can make these transitions easier and more successful.
Becky Willis is a former sales and business executive with over 20 years in Learning and Development. Known for her strategic and creative thinking and quick decision making abilities, Becky is an organizational leader with solid strategy and execution in innovative learning.
Most recently, Becky was VP of Engagement at EdCast. Previously, she was the Learning Strategist for the Hewlett Packard Enterprise L&D organization, and in Executive, Leadership and Organization Development. Her prior experience includes Director of Sales, VP of Sales and Marketing at large and startup firms. Within learning, Becky is known as a Learning Strategist who know how to successfully implement digital learning in enterprises.
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Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.
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