There are so many habits I’ve developed—good and bad— that have changed my life. While I can’t control everything (let’s face it—it’s nice to have control of even a few things), there are several things I try to do each day so that I can live my life to the fullest, enjoy those people that are most important to me, and work on goals and skills, which has become a huge part of my life. I still have bad habits, but I’m happy to slowly see the good ones winning more and more often.
Want to follow along and see if I can reach my goal of publishing 46 more YouTube videos by December 31st, 2020? Click one of my YouTube videos below and be sure to subscribe.
How to be a Minimalist YouTube Videos:
4. Five Daily Habits that can Improve Your Life
3. Creamy Butternut Squash Soup (Plant-Based/Dairy-Free)
2. Soft and Fluffy Dinner Rolls (Plant-Based, Oil-Free, Dairy-Free)
1. Chocolate Cream Pie (Plant-Based with Oil-Free Crust)
Hal Elrod’s Book—The Miracle Morning
You can now purchase my book, How to be a Minimalist — A Beginner’s Guide! Click HERE to see the details. I sincerely hope you enjoy the book and thanks for supporting me/my family/my work! The ebook is out now and the paperback will be out in the next month or two.
Your support of the show is so very appreciated! Ratings, reviews, and Patreon patronage all sustain this show. Don’t forget that Patrons now get bonus episodes! Thanks so much!
Want to leave a tip in my virtual tip jar? You can Venmo me @HowtobeaMinimalist Thank you so much for your support!
Instagram @howtobeaminimalist
My book, How to be a Minimalist with Kids: Finding YOUR Kind of Minimalism
Broden and the Shark-Toothed Chicken — Book 1 of this chapter book series (should be marked as free)
Other videos on YouTube:
Simple Crunchy Granola Recipe
Vegan Cheesy Fry Sauce
How to Make Cashew Yogurt
Sushi Bowl Salad
My Website: — check here for my free books and to keep up to date