Episode description
Royce weighs in on the events of Saturday and the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, and gives his not-so-humble-opinion about the shooting, the shooter and the obvious takes concerning the left and their post-incident comments...which are very revealing.
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Introduction to 5GW (The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare): Flynn, Ltg (Ret ) Michael, Cutler, Boone: 9798888625279: Amazon.com: Books
Askari Media Group
Buy Paul Eberle's book "Look at the Dirt"
Paul Eberle (lookatthedirt.com)
The Deadly Path: How Operation Fast & Furious and Bad Lawyers Armed Mexican Cartels: Forcelli, Peter J., MacGregor, Keelin, Murphy, Stephen: 9798888456491: Amazon.com: Books
Voice of the Blue (buzzsprout.com)