First, an update on the confrontation between Florida legislator Chuck Brannan and an "activist".
Then, Royce dissects an op-ed by one Quentin Young, who, in the purest of Nazi fashion, begins to dehumanize conservatives and lawful, responsible gun owners by calling them "murder mongers", "gun extremists", "depraved fanatics" and "costume-wearing soldier wannabes", and then proceeds to call for them to be marginalized, dehumanized, and treated like social pariahs. He vehemently demands that they no longer be tolerated in society, "dismissed from the public conversation", "humiliated without restraint", castigated (i.e. subjected to severe punishment) and driven from society.
"Acceptance must cease of these murder-mongers in the media, government, public gatherings and the home next door. No longer can their fanaticism be indulged or their rigidity accommodated." Sounds alot like one particular German Chancellor from 1935 that said pretty much the same things against the Jewish people in his country.
Li'l Quinton then demands the repeal of the 2nd Amendment (shocking).
Royce then gives him a taste of his own medicine.
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