Hollywood actors often fancy themselves to hold more sway over the minds and emotions of the masses than they actually do, case in point; Matthew McConaghey. Having penned a recent article (generously interspersed with GQ photos of himself) about his interactions with families of Uvalde shooting victims and politicians on Capitol Hill in an attempt to 'find solutions' to the many spree shootings in schools and other gun-free zones, he apparently fancies himself to be some sort of peace broker between the pro-2A camp and the anti-rights crowd. Were it not for all the GQ photos and his slamming of "extremists" who refuse to budge an inch on having any of their rights further infringed for the sake of "compromise" and "public safety" (gee, that would be Royce, for sure!), we might take him a little more seriously,...but not much more.
Shockingly enough, Royce actually agrees with Mr. McConaughey on a couple of points he makes, in spite of his rank self-promotion that stands out with all the prominence of a cockroach in a punchbowl throughout the entire article.
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