Ep. 45: My Trello Setup, Student and Screens, My Call for a Deep Reset | DEEP QUESTIONS
Episode description
In this episode of Deep Questions I answer reader questions about dealing my Trello setup, reducing student screen time, and our collective need for a "deep reset," among many other topics.
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Here’s the full list of topics tackled in today’s episode along with the timestamps:
* Entry level jobs and shallow work [11:24]
* The future of bullshit jobs [16:25]
* Staying in the zone over the weekend [23:09]
* Deciding what to read as an academic [26:45]
* Calibrating academic service [29:15]
* Revisiting my 2009 advice on grad school [34:43]
* Deep work with a new kid [44:50]
* My Trello setup [50:06]
* Reducing student screen time [54:46]
* Boredom versus high quality diversions [58:37]
* Note-taking apps [1:07:25]
* Agile methodologies and deep work [1:10:11]
* Young mother seeking better friends [1:17:05]
* Young father seeking improvement [1:21:36]
* Kids versus career [1:27:45]
* Thoughts on the Astros [1:29:23]
* My call for a “Deep Reset” [1:29:48]
Thanks to listener Jay Kerstens for the intro music.