In this episode, Cal is joined by Laura Vanderkam (author of Tranquility by Tuesday and co-host of the Best of Both Worlds podcast). Cal and Laura tackle a collection of your questions about the struggle to make time for the various things that matter most, from your career to your family to your hobbies.
Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link:
Video from today’s episode:
INTERVIEW: Laura Vanderkam [19:46]
— Is the deep life only available to people with high salaries? [31:47]
— Is it possible for a mom to succeed in academia? [40:19]
— How do I find the time to land a job that requires less time? [50:26]
— Am I too old to leave a career that fills me with dread? [55:53]
— Am I crazy for thinking I can work from home with a baby? [1:00:31]
— How do I create a deep life with kids? [1:05:31]
— How do I stop over-committing? [1:13:47]
SOMETHING INTERESTING: Slow Time During Japan’s Edo Period [1:30:11]
Thanks to our Sponsors:
Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, and Mark Miles for mastering.