Gambling ensures the future of the casino; breeding ensures the future of the species. Dad Hacked explains the eerie similarities between Nature’s manipulation of people via and love and the euphoria that keeps people coming back to casinos over and over again.
In our reality, Nature is the house; the big casino itself. And over a long enough timeline with enough people engaged in the game, caught up in their special little stories about how the game and all the rushes it provides exists to amuse them, the house always wins; because that's how new people get made. Call it love, call it sex; willingly or not people fumble their way into reproduction. And just like at the casino, it was never about your happiness, or about you winning; it's about the profit of the true institution in charge. Gambling is about ensuring the future of the casino; love and sex is about ensuring the future of the species.
Welcome to Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix.
During the 20th century, the global population saw its greatest increase in known history rising from about 1.6 billion in the year 1900 to over 6 billion in the year 2000. The fastest doubling of the world population happened between 1950 and 1987. A doubling from 2.5 to 5 billion people in just 37 years. The population doubled in a little more than one generation. Now let me ask you: Does that not sound like the result of a successful business model? You think love did that?
Why are countless millions spent on the building of casinos? Simple; the statistical truth of gambling and games of chance is that over a long enough timeline, the house (meaning the casino) always wins. It is designed to beat you. It is designed to profit from you and those like you. And even if a small percentage of people were able to indulge in gambling and walk away with more money than they came in with, it's like stealing a pail of water from the ocean. Through their inevitable losses. People keep casinos alive and thriving. People who own casinos of course know this; the odds are against anyone coming out ahead or getting rich. So why would anyone go there and spend their hard-earned money (in some cases even their savings or money they don't have)? It's the story and the promise of luck and fortune; the happily ever after, and the belief that the rush of the whole thing, all the endorphins and the emotions, all of it, are all for them.
If you enter into intimate relations with another individual, you've basically just walked into the casino.
Welcome to another episode of Upright Monkeys Gambling in a Metaphorical Casino, where sex is gambling and love is gambling and gambling is love and love is gambling.
Imagine Las Vegas: the lights, the excitement, the novelty, the fanfare, the promise, the dream. It draws people by the millions every year. The smart gamblers bring what they can afford to spend and lose, the others well, they bet it all; and when they lose it all, they might wonder what ever made them think it was a good idea. Isolation, away from friends and family; you found something so much more urgent. While you're all wrapped up in this very special experience that is all seemingly designed for your pleasure and happiness, you are cut off from the world around you. Endorphins, fascination fixation, obsession, story. You know there's a whole world out there outside this bubble; you lived in it for years. But right now this bubble contains everything that matters. This place is a discovery. This place must be heaven. What was so good about life before this anyway? This is purpose. This is beauty. This must be love.
“yes… yessss”….Things are going so well. You can't lose! Your brain is firing in a way it doesn't for anything else. The rush you get is fantastic; you glimpse happily ever after in the distance which makes sense because right now it's right in the palm of your hand. You throw caution to the wind.
‘Come on baby, Mama needs a new… shit.’ Oh, Wait. Something's wrong. ‘Oh, come on.’ You lose a hand, then another. It hurts, but you know what you'll do this time. Things happen no big deal. The dream is alive and well; you just have to tweak a little detail. ‘Hey, hey, next one. Shit,’ Trouble again. You double down because this is important, and you were doing so well, feeling so good. ‘We'll get it back. We'll get it back.’ But something else happens. Over time it always does, but nobody told you that. ‘I'm tired.’ You’re no’ quitter. ‘What time is it?’ It's getting late. ‘How long have I been here.’ You should call your family but you don't. You see someone at the table next to you and it's going well for them. You're turn to be lucky is just around the corner, right? Be patient. Look how happy they are. It's just the reminder you needed you can do this. ‘Why do I feel so terrible? I was doing so well… I have nothing.’
They tell themselves that next time will be different. ‘Okay, okay. I'm just gonna find some more money. Save up a while come back and do this right.’ I know what I'm doing?’ The casino wants you to think that too.
This episode of Upright Monkeys Breeding on a Murderous Round Planet is brought to you by Nature; not giving a damn about you since mmm forever.
It was never designed to have you win for long. That's a story. This whole town, if you will, was built on that story. The story of the person who bets big and wins it all. We ignore the story of those who lost it all. Because if we heeded that story, we'd have to stop. And a bunch of other gamblers agree that your luck will change eventually. Just stick with it. Go chill out at the pool for a while. Get some rest; clear your head. Change it up with a fresh new table.
So if you're a fan of metaphors, you get the point; was I just describing love or gambling? In Nature, the things we call love and sex between two individuals are the game we play. It's humans at the casino tables. Because at any given time, Nature needs enough individuals of an existing species to be engaged in sex or intimacy to ensure the continuation indeed the very survival of the species. You can bet it all and lose it all broken or heartbroken and you'll come back and do it again. Because sometime long ago when you felt truly special and new, you played your first card without knowing the game you were truly playing. And because you're a human, you come from the longest line of gamblers indeed and have inherited their narrative.
Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix has been brought to you by Citizen Street Productions.