Puberty isn’t fair. What’s worse? Your parents and teachers failing to prepare you for it. Nature has just drafted your body into service… Luckily, in this two-parter, Dad Hacked sheds light on how your mind can protect you from becoming an unwitting drone in the ongoing program to repopulate planet Earth.
If you're a kid right now, what is coming for you isn't fair; it's just not fair. Not just for the magnitude of the events and the tide that you're about to be swept up in (called puberty, adolescence, adulthood and all the things therein), but because of the misinformation about sex and sexuality; and worst of all the omissions, the stuff we don't tell you; the stuff that never gets spoken of. So I hope this podcast gives you a chance at understanding what the world is versus what you will be told.
Welcome to Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix.
Reality versus narrative. Here’s what you're told: This is that wonderful age when your body starts to change and you become a young woman or man. Your body will create new hormones,( chemicals) that will be coursing through your body and you'll start to find boys or girls more interesting than ever. You'll grow hair down there. You'll start to have your period once a month or so; boys, pretty much the same, except for the period part. You'll find girls very interesting like never before. You'll experience erections and your voice will change… Your voice will change. What it actually is? Biological agenda, still going strong after billions of years of evolution. Your body has reached its sexual maturity way before your mind has. You can now make a baby even though you are still in many ways, a child. Hormones going through you will affect the way you look the way you feel, the way you see the world and what you want. It will shift your priorities to reflect your newfound focus on others you find attractive. At this point, nature wants you to have a kid and will try to use you to make more people; and it will trick you into this activity through any and all means necessary. Many people at this age start to devalue the connections in their life with parents, friends, groups, and sports teams and start to wish for someone of the opposite sex (or the same sex) and this manifests very early on in the form of early childhood crushes juvenile longing and romantic connections. And then eventually right into when your body starts to be basically commandeered by Nature, which we call puberty.
If any part of you struggles with this, there is a reason: you are the only mammal on the earth who has developed a big enough brain to question and ponder these things; critical thought. While every other creature goes about their mating rituals without questions, we sit uncomfortably with this idea that we could have so little control over our thoughts and our lives; that we can be reduced to just another animal. But we always were animals. We deny this so we instead require stories. We tell ourselves stories of love, stories of passion and forever after, stories of choices we make when really we are suddenly and constantly finding ways to do nature's bidding.
Do you have the courage for another episode of Upright Monkeys Breeding on a Murderous Round Planet? Let's find out. This week: ‘Children's Tickets, Adult Rides’
Your individuality means nothing to nature. The truth is, thinkers, don't make good soldiers in nature's army of reproducing drones. In a way, there's nothing worse for you to fall into when you're young. It's not that different from drugs. You think the kid who went out and had sex first is ahead of you in some way? Actually, it's the opposite. They fell behind faster and have put their own personal development at great risk; unable to grasp what is really happening to them, they might never recover their true selves. And if you're wondering what I meant earlier by the comparison between starting sex early and choosing drugs, it's simple: As an adult, I have friends who are in recovery programs. I have relatives no longer with us all because of choices made to do drugs when they were young before they really truly understood what was going on. And I also have friends who are living incredibly dramatic realities in terrible marriages and terrible divorces, things that they would never have thought of in the moment way back in the day when suddenly their life was all about who they were spending time with, and somehow always finding a way to be having sex.
The sex you have when you're young paves the way to parenthood in ways no one will ever share with you; you'll think of them as quite different subjects but they are the same. The fear that adults will dangle in front of you as a warning is that you'll end up a teenage parent. A child having a child is certainly an authority on what can go wrong; so is anyone who has had to endure an abortion. But the bigger truth is that the sex you have in your youth programs your mind infiltrates your reasoning and greatly steers your future.
This episode of Upright Monkeys Breeding on a Murderous Round Planet is brought to you by Nature, not giving a damn about you since mmmm… forever.
There's nothing less original than sex. To answer the popular question, yes, it is normal to have sex. Nature doesn't care about you, your feelings, or your future. Nature would love you to start just as soon as you're willing. To be continued in Puberty: Part two.
Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix is a Citizen Street production.