and sexuality predate us by billions of years, yet the truth on the subject has been under siege since humans learned to speak. Dad Hacked explains how the truth about and sexuality is hidden by our feeble attempts at rebranding a program that seriously calls into question which choices are truly our own.
‘Sex drive’ is a term used to gauge someone's desire to have sex. The spectrum ranges from not at all to all the time. People who are assessed by doctors for various reasons we'll be asked about their sex drive. It's like a customary question. Someone who expresses a desire to have sex or engage in masturbation at a certain level or frequency is called ‘healthy’ or ‘norma’l or ‘natural.’ And those who go too far to either end of that spectrum and not want to have it at all or want it too much, can be called ‘unhealthy’ or ‘addict.’ Did you get all that? Okay, good.
So, as monkeys who love stories, here's where a shift in language reminds you what sex drive actually is: the ‘drive’ to have sex is actually your ‘drive’ to procreate; your ‘drive’ to make other humans your ‘drive’ to have children.
Imagine if you will, a world that before humans and our opinions on things consisted of only facts, just truth…a world from top to bottom…wherever you looked, there was just truth. Not a lot of it debatable and no one is around to debate it. Then somewhere between 2 million and 50 thousand years ago, humans developed speech and truth has been under siege ever since.
Welcome to Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix.
The Deceptive Language of Sex.
Now, faced with these revisions, people might reactively say ‘Well, of course, it's natural; everyone knows that.’ But they don't know that. They don't know that they've been deceived by language; a language that feeds you one truth while concealing another; a version that suggests that sex is for you; I'm here to tell you it's not. It is for something so much bigger than you or me. And it's not love. It's not for fun. You can't own it, and no one ever has. Children of every generation often have no idea how many adults have followed the wrong stories down paths to living unhappy, even disastrous lives that they have been lost in for years, decades, and sometimes their whole lives.
When it comes to sex parents and educators will use terms that feel like they're truly revealing something to you, but it's only the surface of it. When you're a kid, parents will usually avoid discussing with you the subject of sex as long as possible. They are happy that at this point, you still believe in Santa and maybe God too. So a stork delivering babies to waiting parents fits just fine. As you approach and then fumble into your teens, as we all do, many parents will hope that the school system will cover the uncomfortable topic of sex with you so that they don't have to. The story at home has often at this point graduated to ‘Oh, Mom and Dad made you,’ but no real details as to how; they might say with ‘love.’ Aww.
And welcome again to another episode of Upright Monkeys Breeding on a Murderous Round Planet. Yes, they are. This week: The Repackaging of Sex.
I mentioned earlier about trying to own something that owns you and that is, and that is sex in a nutshell. Some of the stories you'll be fed are ‘sex is you expressing yourself.’ ‘Sex is a good part of a healthy relationship.’ ‘ Sex is sexy.’ ‘Sex is naughty.’ ‘I'm an independent woman using my body how and when I will with whom I want.’ ‘I'm a young guy just having my kicks before I settle down.’ All of this is people trying to own and take control of something that almost nobody actually owns; there is one exception…we'll get to that later. It's something that controls you and leads you around sometimes your whole life while you think you are the one in control. We listen to the stories of others. The ones they tell themselves. Some of these stories we adopt and we shape others on our own, tweaking them to suit us and our little egos all in an effort to blind ourselves to what is really going on. And by the way, the only time that narrative is actually in unison working together and honestly with fact is when two people come together and say ‘I want to make a baby’ and the other one says ‘I want to make a baby as well. Let's make a baby.’ That is literally the only time that the story reflects the truth. And they might still end up divorced by the way…and in a terrible court battle with their children. True story.
This episode of Upright Monkeys Breeding on a Murderous Round Planet is brought to you by Nature: not giving a damn about you since mmm forever.
Meanwhile, at school, since none of the adults in your world have braved the subject, you've been able to fill in the blanks with the help of giggling older peers or maybe some pornographic material, some older brother or a friend sent down the chain. Teachers chime in and tell you about puberty. Then it's those lovely diagrams of her privates and his privates and your ability to name all of these parts. They'll tell you how these two things go together to make a baby. But no one's really going to tell you the truth about what is happening and how significant it is to your life now and later. Because it's uncomfortable, no one is going to tell you that your life is basically about to be commandeered in the service of the great project of human repopulation on planet earth. No one will tell you the truth about how this thing is way bigger than all of us. Parents will flat-out lie to you. They will tell you that sex is beautiful. That sex happens between two people who love each other! because that is your new Santa Claus. This is the new fiction they sell you because they still want to preserve what they can of your ignorance, your innocence. They don't tell you about rape. They don't tell you about child trafficking, prostitution, lying partners who will do anything to have sex with anyone willing, even say that they love you while doing it. They won't tell you about the mess their lives have become since this Nature derailed them decades ago. Nearly all of these teachers and parents wouldn't have a clue just how influenced their life choices were, or how shaped their lives were by their need to be breeding. Words matter more than most of us can possibly imagine. And when humans aim to dignify and justify our animal tendencies, the truth is always under siege.
Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix has been brought to you by Citizen Street Productions