In the always heated debate on abortion, Dad Hacked dares to offer a third perspective.
Okay, so this is the subject so many have been waiting for: a male with an opinion on abortion?! Holy shit! That's… that's archaic. Is that really still happening? Yes, yes it is happening because we're all human beings and I'm not out here to take sides on the issue actually. What I am here to do is say that I believe that there's a third perspective that I never hear about. So and this is… if nothing else this is about stuff that never gets spoken of. This podcast is supposed to be about tearing things down and looking at the things that we never noticed that were right in front of us the whole time.
So ‘abortion;’ you believe in it, you don't believe in it, you believe in it sometimes, depending on the circumstances you believe in it, but before a certain amount of time, but not after a certain amount of time… I have a different perspective; and my perspective on abortion is this: How many lives have been aborted because our society teaches our children that sex is for their enjoyment?
Welcome to Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix: The Abortion Episode.
Winston Churchill was quoted as saying History is written by the victors. And he's referring to the history of humanity being written from the perspective of the conquerors, the winners of war and conflict, certainly not the losers. Maybe that's what happened when humans rose to the top of the food chain and became not just the dominant species on the planet, but the only one who could actually write. Maybe that's why we were able to take the history of ‘breeding,’ an act shared by nearly every other species on the planet since life appeared on Earth, and instead come to the conclusion that ‘sex’ as we would rename it, was actually for our enjoyment. But what does this have to do with abortion, you may ask? How many lives have been snuffed out because we raise our children to think that sex is about their enjoyment. How many people could have been saved or at least not destroyed by changing the way that we teach children about sex and sexuality from like, you know, ‘a thing that you do when you're in love with someone’, ‘A thing you do when you're interested in someone,’ ‘A thing you do in affection’, ‘Athing that you do in passion,’ blah, blah, blah… all the millions of narratives that we have developed as a society, and how many times it leaves out ‘Whoa, wait, what? No. This thing gets done by species all over the planet. And almost all of them do it in much the same way and you are no different and this is how babies get made.’ When you do this. you're going to tell yourself that ‘it's about this, it's about that, it's about the feelings…; The euphoria is the bait. The deed remains what it always is, what it always was, what it always will be; no matter why you do it, that act has to do with reproduction. And it is ruthless in it's ingenious design. And it cares not at all about any lives lost along the way. It is a numbers game and I referenced the casino metaphor of course again, because you know nature can afford to have lives lost. Nature can afford to have as many abortions as it takes because there are billions of us on this planet. Yeah, I just… to me, could abortion be avoided? Teach kids about sex? Well, we've been doing that for a long time and I see this hard push towards making sure like… I understand and don't necessarily want to fall into the fighting for the rights to have abortion. That's 50% of the old tired debate. So what about opening up this third door and people might be like, ‘Well, you're just talking about abstinence?’ It's like no, I'm talking about information. Abstinence is and should always be a choice of people. Because I'm going to tell you something. It never occurred to me that I would just not fuck; that didn't seem like an option. The world was doing it, everyone was fascinated by it; that hasn't changed. Porn is bigger and more booming than ever; it is vast, it is recruiting all of our ignorant youth into it. And we're all acting like it's our idea. Abstinence might be the result of being an informed individual. What if I knew that everything I was doing wasn't really my idea. You know, it's like it's the matrix again, folks. It's ‘which pill do you take?’ What if you knew things that would change your perspective on your world forever? What if children, instead of us brainwashing them into someone, thinking this is all about love? I mean, is it about love when you've lost count of how many partners you've had? Because for a lot of people, that's probably what's going on and, and is it about love when love has come and gone and imploded several times, but you still stick to this narrative. Like, it just , it just covers up how robotic we really are, and how programmed we really are. And I have to tell you, there's a lot of things that can be done with the time you waste trying to pair up and make a life like that. All you're doing is just increasing the odds of reproduction and maybe getting some laughs along the way. Certainly a lot of damage for a lot of people along the way. So yeah, when it comes to abortion, let's talk about the fact that we teach our children everything but the truth about what sex is; we teach them how to do it, we tell them stories about why they do it, we tell them how to be safe doing it from disease. We leave out the part where… because it's not sexy, and it's not even complimentary to the human race. We are far simpler than we like and we are far closer to these animals that we keep as pets or we eat or we see ou nature shows. Yeah, and if you don't know that, then you don't know shit. And maybe that'll save some lives along the way. Because I was faced with a moment where you know, I was going to be a parent suddenly, and I had the choice not to. And the choice was on the table and it was of course discussed as an option. And it was… it was in that moment that (and this doesn't put me on a definitive side of the abortion debate) it just meant for me personally, I couldn't imagine carrying that with me and I think a lot of people to some degree, carry that with them…that decision with them; and maybe they shouldn't have to because maybe somewhere along the line, they could have been taught what sex actually is. Instead of what we wish it was. And I can tell you that my child's existence is one of the best parts of my life bar none. So the idea that little potential you’s and me’s might get snuffed out because of just general ignorance? That troubles me. That troubles me. So that's as close as I get to having a definitive opinion on abortion. You want to stop abortion or wish you know, you see even if I say ‘stop abortion’ a whole bunch of people go ‘Whoa, we want the right to have an abortion!’ Well, what about the right to know fucking better?
Dad Hacked the Sex Matrix has been brought to you by Citizen Street Productions.