Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, and wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, tell that this podcast has made it to the end of another season! This week, we watched as America’s Next Top Model is crowned in “The Girl Who Walks On Water” and are joined by publicist, pole dancer, and immediate best friend Fabiana to talk all about it. We admittedly had too much fun talking with her, and think you will have at least as much listening as we discuss bad looks from our youth, bizarre Texas football customs, the weird moving goalposts of weight in modelling, and of course, nü-metal. Hope you have somewhere else you were planning on sleeping tonight, because this one was a barnburner!
PRODUCER SPOUSE’S NOTE: Erin’s audio is a bit distant for the back half of the show, as the software we used quietly and without alerting us switched microphones to the one in my laptop. It’s still relatively listenable, and the episode is so good that we hope it makes up it for this. Sorry and we love you.