Hear the unfortunate story of Isabella Grosso and the sad truth of intrafamilial trafficking. Isabella is in a good place of her journey to share not only through a documentary, and a book, but through this podcast of how her older cousin groomed her and trafficked her at 16. Isabellas unusual case of trafficking to strip clubs, shows us that being sexually exploited as a teenager can happen in many different ways. She is now a Super EMPOWERED woman professionally dancing for celebrity artists, leading her own 501C3 non profit called She Is Powerful, wrote her memoir, "Natashas Not My Name", and able to lead dance groups for sexually abused and sex trafficked teens internationally and most recently in New York and Hawaii.
Her Handles:
Instagram: @sheis_powerful , @Natashasnotmyname_ , @bellaspinkmachete
Documentary: @sheisdocumentary.org
Website: www.sheispowerful.org
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Music Used:
Drops by Ron Gelinas Chillout Lounge | https://soundcloud.com/atmospheric-music-portal
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
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