Episode description
Mike Barwis has spent more than 30 years training professional athletes to be their best. But, it's not just physical performance that Mike focuses on during training sessions. Rather, he believes that mindset is where it all starts, and many of Mike's lessons about performance can be extrapolated from sports to startups.
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(00:58) - Mindset lets you do extraordinary things
(04:47) - Your mindset shapes your reality
(06:06) - You can’t do common things and expect uncommon results
(07:07) - Being relentless increases your opportunity
(09:00) - Get comfortable being uncomfortable
(13:51) - There are no loses unless you lose with ego
(21:59) - Deserve is a very dangerous word.
(22:51) - You can only control 2 things in life
(30:25) - A great mindset in elite sports is a great mindset for life
(32:03) - Losing is learning
(40:04) - Greatness is going beyond yourself to lift up others
(44:40) - Understanding how to serve makes the greatest leaders
(47:35) - Simplify problems to their source
(49:09) - A simple exercise for focus
(53:45) - Focus on how you are different vs the competition