Leadership Lessons From the Great Books #133 - When the Man Comes Around by Douglas Wilson and The Book of Revelation w/Brian Bagley
00:00 Welcome and Introduction - When the Man Comes Around by Douglas Wilson and The Book of Revelation.
08:59 Book Explains Postmillennialism and Reformed Theology.
15:55 Early Church Councils' Traditions, Scripture, and Discontents.
19:50 Christianity's History: Struggles, Influences, Key Figures.
25:51 Doug Wilson's COVID Position.
31:36 What Will You Build If Jesus Isn't Here on Earth to Do It?
36:26 The Book of Revelation: Jerusalem's Fall and The New Church Age.
38:30 John's Revelation: A Vision of Christ and The Seven Churches.
47:46 The Nation of Israel Became Babylon.
49:28 Jesus Critiques Religious Leaders and Predicts Persecution Consequences.
55:32 Beast Demands Worship, Enforces Mark, and Deceives Mankind.
59:52 Historical Patterns Favor Christendom Over the Islamic World.
01:06:19 Ancient World Valued Sacrifice for Faith Deeply.
01:14:19 Emperor Nero Linked to Persecution and Mark Symbolism.
01:19:40 The King James Bible's Inaccessible Language.
01:26:25 Schofield Bible Influenced Middle-Class Americans' Theological Battle.
01:29:54 Premillennialists and Postmillennialists Differ on Christ's Return.
01:37:44 Dispensationalists Believe Israel's Reconstitution Precedes Rapture.
01:43:15 Everyone Has Their Version of The Apocalypse.
01:47:43 EOY 2024 Wrap-Up: Evolving After 100 Episodes.
01:50:34 Close and Summary: Christ Judges; Leaders Should Be Humble, And God-Fearing.
Opening and closing themes composed by Brian Sanyshyn of Brian Sanyshyn Music.
Gary DeMar and American Vision - https://americanvision.org/about/staff-profiles/.