At this year’s OPTIC Photography Conference, we sat down with representatives from camera and gear manufacturers to talk about their latest products, and question them on their company philosophies and the general state of the camera industry. We present here a compilation of conversations with four of our guests: Rudy Winston from Canon, Marc Farb from Sigma, Thomas Curley from Panasonic and Rod Clark, founder and CEO of Wine Country Camera.
Within this informative episode, we speak about Canon’s response to the rise of the smartphone, the success of entry-level DSLRs, possible mirrorless offerings and this year’s new releases. With Sigma, we discuss the latest Art series lenses and just who is buying the Foveon-sensor cameras and, with Panasonic, there is much talk about the GH5, but also about new lenses and the company’s Lumix point-and-shoots. Finally, we chat with Wine Country, which is producing beautiful filter systems for high-end users, and how this small company is making a go of it in the tricky business of camera and lens accessories.
Guests: Rudy Winston, Marc Farb, Thomas Curley, Rod Clark
Canon: 02:05
Sigma: 34:40
Panasonic: 47:15
Wine Country Camera: 58:30