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After Jeremy Corbyn became leader of the British Labour Party, the right wing of the party joined with the Israel lobby and the Israeli state to bring down Corbyn and purge the party of leftists using false accusations of anti-semitism. The witch-hunt continued even after Corbyn’s downfall.
No reporter has covered the weaponization of anti-semitism in British politics as rigorously as Asa Winstanley, associate editor at The Electronic Intifada and author of the new book “Weaponising Anti-Semitism: How the Israel Lobby Brought Down Jeremy Corbyn,” published by OR books. He joined Rania Khalek to discuss his new book and what the left in other parts of the world should learn from it all.
Asa’s book: https://www.orbooks.com/catalog/weaponising-anti-semitism/
Asa’s substack: https://substack.com/@asawinstanley
This is just the first half of this episode. The second half is available for Breakthrough News Members only. Become a member at Patreon.com/BreakthroughNews to access the full episode and other exclusive content.