Rania Khalek was joined by Arnaud Bertrand, a commentator on economics and geopolitics based in Shanghai, to discuss the sanctions blowback on the West, the narrative management surrounding it, and growing tensions between the US and China.
Arnaud on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RnaudBertrand
0:00 Intro
1:32 Is the West isolating itself?
6:09 Russia & China can survive US sanctions
11:51 US-led West weaker today than in 1st cold war
14:59 How Arnaud ended up in China
17:56 Who’s really responsible for global food insecurity?
22:16 The latest McCarthyist list
26:11 Western aggression unites its adversaries
32:16 US warmongering over Taiwan
41:36 Perception over US vs China in Africa
46:10 Democracy perception in China vs the West
52:45 Xinjiang genocide accusation falling apart