"Money not going out is the same as money coming in."
In this interview, Niall goes one-on-one with Gerald Peters, a full time real estate and stock market investor! Gerald also has a podcast called the Science of Getting Rich, and is also an author of the book "You Don't Have to Die Broke". We went deep into his almost 20 years of investing and Gerald shares some really insightful thoughts and stories from all of his experiences. Should you invest in dividend stocks? Should you invest in real estate? Gerald shares his thoughts as well as a concept he calls 'the money flow'. Don't miss this really insightful episode!
Find Gerald here:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fullauto11/
Welcome to the Young Professional Podcast - my name is Niall Lawther and I’m hugely passionate about business and entrepreneurship. I started this podcast because I wanted to connect with and learn from successful entrepreneurs and business owners, and share their stories and insights. I hope these episodes allow you to learn, grow and level up in your life! Thanks for listening - please consider subscribing and leave a review, it'll make my day!
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