Can science be applied to tackling change within an organization? Are there tools, strategies, and approaches that can make change productive rather than overwhelming? Can leaders reshape “failure” into “learning” and encourage their people to embrace innovation?
The idea that organizations can use science to harness change features heavily on today’s Leader to Leader podcast discussion between Russ Branzell, president and CEO of CHIME, and Joe Grinstead, Chief of US Operations, Divurgent.
“Things are going to change, and that’s okay. But we need to help people through change.”
One thing everyone agrees on is that change is happening everywhere in healthcare, but especially when it comes to healthcare technology. Joe Grinstead has over 25 years of experience in the health IT industry, and he acknowledges that the rapid pace of technological advancements today is unique—change is the new norm! There are ways to approach and embrace the latest developments and help your organization evolve to better deliver healthcare to the people we all serve. Listen to the episode for details on how to be a better leader during periods of growth, uncertainty, and challenges.