In this podcast episode, Russ talks with Geoff Blanding, Executive Vice President, Optimum CareerPath and Implementation Services. Blanding discusses Optimum CareerPath’s partnership with CHIME to help high-aptitude, non-traditional students and workers train for careers in healthcare IT.
As recruiting and retention become ever more challenging due to the tech talent war, Blanding encourages digital health leaders to change old ways of hiring and adopt a more growth-friendly approach. The constantly evolving landscape of technology now requires staff with critical thinking skills, advanced soft skills, and adaptability. A hiring model that always requires pre-developed skill sets in highly specific platforms from candidates with 10 years of experience cannot survive today’s market conditions. Optimum CareerPath offers a new hiring model for both talent-strapped companies and talented applicants looking for a mission-driven career. Blanding also provides a comprehensive look at what’s ahead in healthcare IT that will influence future hiring needs.