In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Andy Taylor, Justin Lemme, and Shawn DeWeerd kicks off with Shawn talking about reaching the Space Station with his new Yagi Antenna - the 3B. While Justin and Andy have a little fun with the look of Shawn holding this giant antenna outdoors. Shawn tells us about contacting the Station. Andy buys himself an antenna for his GMRS radio but get the wrong type and still even with his current antenna hasn't talked with anybody. Justin clears up some misconception on using some radios on GMRS. Justin tells us about Not a Rubicon Productions on YouTube and recommends following that channel. Andy tells us about Upgrading to the Hydra 6E Router and an issue he found with RF bleeding over to a USB Transfer of Audio Cassettes. The Sound Distortion went away after when the Router Was Turned Off. Shawn recommends a Ferrite Choke for the USB Cable would be a solution.
Justin purchases the products for building an AMD System starting off with the Ryzen 9 5900X and then the 850W Corsair Modular Power Supply, and NVME Drive. Justin tells us about the process of installing and customizing his Gaming Drive. Justin upgrades from Windows 10 to 11 and is very happy with the experience. Shawn goes on Vacation and takes some amazing photos of the stars and video using time lapse with the GoPro - Check these out on the Blog. Stray from Annapurna Interactive has become on of the most popular games on the web. Giving the gamers a fresh and innovative title to enjoy with the graphics and gameplay Stray. Justin tells us how CyberPunk 2077 has been fixed and many gamers are loving it as well.
Prices are dropping on the RTX3080 however Justin is looking into the AMD Graphics options now with his new system and tells us why. Justin shares the Website of the Week - which has all types of News for Nerds!