In this week’s show, Justin and Andy kick off the show with a discussion of what has been happening lately with Crypto. Visiting the show is an outspoken member of the popular Facebook group, Crypto Coin Trader, Oniel. Oniel gives us a rundown of what is trending with digital currency and its recent dip in value. Oniel talks about the reasons to question everything and why sometimes in the crypto space this is not popular. When it comes to Bitcoin itself, Oniel doesn't feel this should be the focus on digital with so many good alt choices available. Oniel also says the Federal Reserve needs to stop increasing the basis point. Be sure to check out the Facebook group, Crypto Coin Trader. Andy has finally finished his build and the process for a fresh install on a new system and reinstalling is never fun. Andy did find a program he found useful including Acronis Disk Director and will also be installing Wirecast so we can start Video Casting the Show. With Shawn having his son in his arms during the show, the guys talk about the rights of a child when it comes to parents sharing photos and video of their child. It brings about a good time to think about how much we share online of our children and our lives and guidelines parents need to set for other family members in what could be shared. Andy runs out of USB Ports and purchases two options, a USB 3.0 HUB from Sabrent and an internal 3.2Gps PCI Express Card. Justin’s water heater in his house goes on the fritz and he is forced to buy a new one. He looks at a Whole Home Hot Water Recirculation unit and chooses the Navien which runs around 14k! Justin talks about the technology behind it. Andy shares a website for playing a fun game right on the Desktop