In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Andy Taylor, Justin Lemme, and Shawn DeWeerd talk about some of the changes they have gone through in the past few weeks. Justin has a new job and Shawn is a new father. The guys talk about social media and how being new parents has not changed Shawn’s mind about getting onto Facebook to share photos. Shawn gives us a look at the Infant Optics baby monitor while Justin shares a great tip about extending the battery life. Andy jumps on to the new App BeReal and talks about what it is and how it is different from other Social Photo Sharing Apps. Justin tells us about his disappointment of a Kickstarter he got involved in 2019. The product, a Eve 4k Monitor was supposed to ship in 2020 however with the Pandemic this caused delays. Justin tells us about the bad experience and not getting product. Justin talks about how using the American Express Card could save him in this instance in getting a refund. Shawn gets his hands on a Graphics Card and shares the story of finding a RTX3070 from a buddy for only $350. Moving from a GT1080 he talks about the performance increases he was able to experience.
Andy finally sets up his new build and runs into a bit of problem. His Wireless Mouse has been freezing up. Andy determined after moving from the Cooler Master Haf932 Case to the smaller Corsair case, the interference with the Aura Components and smaller case needed the Wireless Dongle plugged to the back (On the Board) of the Case. Justin tells us about his new job and why it's so much fun. His Office overlooks one of the nation’s largest water park, Water World. Justin tells us about how he has integrated Malwarebytes into the system and why he's a proponent of the service, Shawn share how he has paid for the premium version and been very happy with it.
Andy talks with Vahan Hovsepian of Five Star Data Recovery about the Company which specializes in Digital Data Recovery. We found out what drove him to begin the company which has saved data from failed hard drives for years. Five Star Data Recovery has a great reputation for its services and support in this lucrative field and shares the personal rewards of recovering client data. Vahan tells us the differences in the processes to recover data from logical to mechanical failures. While SSD technology is fantastic, when it comes to your Data, in case of failure, having a traditional "Spinny" drive is much better. What should you do when your drive is clicking or beeping? Great tips shared from Vahan. Shawn shares info out of the recent National Association of Broadcasters Convention and the NDI Technology for Broadcasting Video.