In this week’s show, Shawn, Justin, and Andy cover some of the Tech you may find behind the Local and even National News. For many News Reporters, or Multimedia Journalist, they are a One Person Band. Many times, a Journalist/Reporter will be asked to go into the field to cover a story and they are the Reporter, Camera Operator and Engineer for the Segment. Shawn tells us that about 90% of the On Scene Reports are now done this way. Justin and Shawn talk about the different pieces of technology that make this possible. Another trend in News Reports has been Stringers and how the local new audience can provide video from the scene of a news story.
Shawn and Justin tell us about stories they have done when working with TV News and one of the biggest was Shawn’s from Mecosta County " He Didn't Make me Pass Out on the Floor" Segment which went viral and was featured on news stories across the country including Jimmy Kimmel. Justin shares his story of the Epic Fail Fox 5 News Jetpack video which hit over 3.3Million views on YouTube. A story has surfaced about Microsoft possibly including ads in the Launch Windows for Windows 11. The turns the focus to the business of Ad's and Click throughs. With so many ads, how can they be minimized. Justin tells us about how easy it is to create a PiHoles with a Raspberry Pi device although, right now they are in High Demand.
Justin recommends Duck Duck Go as a search engine for those looking for privacy when searching online. A recent Ad campaign by them stresses the Privacy factor. Security with Passwords is discussed after Justin shares an Infographic from Hive Systems about creating the best password. The guys talk about Password Managers and which ones they like. With Justin's announcement of a new job in the tech world the guys talk about Education and Degrees and what is important to get a step into working in Tech. Where should one begin? Shawn shares the Website of the Web, which can help guide you in creating a stronger password.