In this week’s show, Shawn talks about opening the box sent from The Noble Collection to celebrate the Anniversary of Harry Potter. One of the comments about the video available on the website surrounds the personal story that Shawn has shared in the video regarding his proposal to his wife which centered around the world of Harry Potter. The guys talk about traveling to England. The Recent AWS Outage is discussed and how it affected Wyze Cameras. Shawn tells us of a workaround if this was to happen again using an independent software.
Shawn and Andy talk about upgrading software only to find out the hardware would no longer work. This brings our discussion towards the recent service end for older Blackberry Phones. Could we eventually see software updates for Cars or other home electronics and appliances? Or Subscription services to use certain features?
Allie Fried with the Consumer Technology Association visits to talk about the CES Show and What to expect with the both Virtual and in Person event. The Website of the Week focuses on Epic Games and some great games to play online. The Celebrated the Tomb Raider Series for Free to play online.