In this week’s show, Shawn, and Andy talk about the recent news from Apple regarding the Air Tag devices and while they serve a great purpose have been in recent news stories of them used by those that may have been used to locate vehicles for stealing. They guys explain how this could happen and a way to see if you are possibly being tracked. Shawn loves his new Wyze shirt and wears it during the show. Andy talks about his Wyze Cam that failed and his attempts to get tech support for it. The guys talk about Wyze cam plus and why subscribing to the service is a good idea. Shawn tells us about his excitement on the upcoming Harry Potter Reunion and how he developed a love for the franchise.
Shawn and his Wife are Expecting, and they discuss Baby Monitors and what to be considered when shopping for a Baby Monitor. We also talk about how to set up an Online Baby Registry and Why Shawn and his Wife decided on Target. Andy is working on building a new computer and some of the options he has been selecting and the disappointment in trying to find a Graphics Card. Andy has a Cooler Master Lan Box but must decide between using what he has and a Corsair RGB Case he purchased from Best Buy. Shawn shares his thoughts on which one he should build. Andy tells the story of Sending his Son to Micro Center in Tustin to get a Graphics Card only available in store.
At recording of this show, Roku and Google were Battling and the YouTube App was being removed from Roku. They have since patched the differences and locked down YouTube and brought Back YouTubeTV to the Roku Devices and TV's.