Many small business owners and their teams spin their wheels when it comes to productivity. It feels like everyone is doing a ton of work – and you probably are! But since your effort is going in so many directions, your business isn’t gaining meaningful traction. That’s exactly why setting a limited number of priorities – and touching base on them weekly – is so important.
It’s Day 8 of the Double Your Revenue Challenge, and today is all about productivity! Donald Miller teaches you how to increase your productivity not by working more – but by working on the right things. If you and your team would only set and follow through on strategic priorities, you’d not only get more done – you’d actually make a whole lot more revenue. Tune in now to learn how!
Take action and download the Double Your Revenue Challenge checklist at
If you’re looking for comprehensive training and ongoing weekly coaching to help you double your business’s revenue, join Small Business Flight School.
During the Double Your Revenue Challenge, you can get $500 off Flight School with code DOUBLE2023.
Offer expires August 18, 2023.