In the latest episode of "Talking Trade," Briggs & Stratton legal executive Jennifer Jin discusses the impact of trade sanctions on manufacturing supply chains.
Jin holds the position of senior counsel, global compliance, contract and litigation for the Wauwatosa-based manufacturer. She shares her perspective with hosts M. E. Dey & Co. President Sandi Siegel and Katie Henry, executive director of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce's World Trade Association.
She explains the importance of geopolitical changes related to the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
"It's vital that companies, especially global companies, are able to respond and understand their responsibilities as it relates to some of those changing laws, not just here in the United States but all across the world," she said.
Jin says Briggs & Stratton created a rapid response team to grapple with the complexities of export control changes resulting from the conflict, including members of sales, finance, logistics and legal divisions.
"Making sure that you understand not only where your products are coming from directly, but where your products are coming from along the chain," she said. "So where are the materials coming from, are the materials going to be sourced from places, or people or entities that are sanctioned?"