What happens to dreams of the future that never arrive, yet still affect our society and culture so deeply? Is it possible to be haunted by failed visions or our own anticipations, and what does that mean? Today, Dr. Holly Jean Buck, Assistant Professor of Environment and Sustainability at the University of Buffalo and author of the new book, Ending Fossil Fuels: Why Net Zero Is Not Enough, comes back on the show for a bonus episode to explain the concept of "hauntology", its origin in Jacques Derrida's writing and later popularization by Mark Fisher in his book, Capitalism Realism: Is There No Alternative?, and to what degree these ideas might help us understand the worlds of carbon removal, climatetech, and our shared planetary future.
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Dr. Holly Jean Buck on Reversing Climate Change S2 Bonus
Dr. Holly Jean Buck on Reversing Climate Change EP103
Dr. Holly Jean Buck on Reversing Climate Change S3E4
After Geoengineering: Climate Tragedy, Repair and Restoration by Holly Jean Buck