Episode description
- Follow-up:
- Resolution independence
- Joe Lion explains why silicon wafers are round
- Jonathan Ragan-Kelley explains EMIB and LSI
- Regarding Mac Studio fan noise
- The fans cool the power supply too notes Phil Stollery
- Twitter thread from “OnlyMe”
- Feedback from acoustician Andrew Wade
- Apple’s official noise ratings (via Renfred)
- Regarding Qualcomm patent shakedown racket licensing
- Discourse and Open Source (via Jeff Atwood)
- How to Pay Professional Maintainers
- Software warfare in node-ipc
- 🎉 New Overcast Update 🎉
- #askatp
- Do we have a preferred file naming scheme? Is it 20210329_Proj3_SitePlan? (via Unforgettable Luncheon)
- Why are Time Machine network backups so slow? (via Carson Brown)
- Will Apple ever make their own display panel? (via “C”)
- John had something he wanted to discuss.
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