Episode description
- Pre-show: John is a Swiftie
- Follow-up:
- John’s 2FA transfer options, and a suggestion from particles!
- Automating Watch faces (via Alex Serriere)
- Newer Apple TV 4K models support HDR in YouTube (via Matt Freedman)
- Photos, Smart Albums, and boolean logic (via Jakob)
- Hiding purchases in Music (via Arem)
- Twitter Tribulations
- HomeKit is amazing for some people (via Todd)
- Mac enters the third year of “two-year transition”
- Will John and Marco ever be satisfied? (via Jonathan Claydon)
- iPhones 14 Satellite Emergency SOS is live
- Mastodon
- #askatp:
- What’s the best way to download Xcode? (via Eshu Marneedi)
- What is the best-designed Mac app that Apple currently makes? (via Claude Zeins)
- What advice do we have for leading people at work? (via Andrew Larson)
- Post-show: Marco kicks the MySQL-shaped can down the road.
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