Episode description
- Pre-show: Sharrows
- EVERYONE has written in to tell us about the bike-lane symbols, thank you, no need for anyone else to write in – ed.
- The ATP On-Demand Store is live for your holiday needs!
- Follow-up:
- Bridging async/await ↔ Obj-C (via Aaron Farnham)
- Some updates on Mastodon
- There’s a WWDC video about instrumenting/tracing async issues
- Xfinity Wi-Fi does not use customer’s bandwidth (via Clayton O’Neill)
- Casey’s 🍑💨 about iPad at the park bench picnic table
- ffmpeg has been ported to web assembly
- Reactions to App Store ads
- Gambling ads
- iCloud Storage Over the Years
- The Talk Show #361: A Fit of Pique with Federico Viticci
- Apple Keynote Search Engine
- Apple Pauses Gambling Ads
- Gruber’s Take
- Michael Tsai
- Employees aren’t happy either
- Xcode Ads?
- defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode XcodeCloudUpsellPromptEnabled -bool false
- Post-show:
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