Episode description
- Follow-up:
- Showbot status and pull requests
- Older phones still being bought today, like the iPhone 4S
- Long-term device limitations and upgradeability, RAM, spinning disks, and Mac/iOS purchasing strategies
- Vindictive but self-defeating defections
- Screen size, small hands, and pants/trousers/jeans/khakis/whatevertheyrecalled.
- 4K Plasma TVs, as pointed out by Awax, which lists for $500K
- Overcast has shipped!
- Planning for server load and timing a release in the App Store
- Why require user accounts, and why not iCloud?
- Why freemium?
- What took so long? Why no streaming? Why does that even matter?
- IRL Talk
- RSSRadio
- ARM SIMD Extensions
- AltiVec
- Features users will hopefully appreciate
- Linking to other independent podcast apps
- Some serious dedication on Hacker News
- Posted after we recorded: Castro's response
- Podcast directory design motivations
- Possible web-hosting on an A7-based Apple TV like at Mac Mini Vault
- After-show:
- John gets Hypercritical about Overcast
- Electric Shadow
- Back to Work
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