I loved recording this episode with Emily Killeen. Emily is a sober community leader who I have collaborated with in the past, and I previously had her on the show a few years ago, when she shared her inspiring sober story. The theme of our discussion on this episode, which was recorded live in Sober Girls Club, was what it really means to be "Happy, Sober and Free" but when I reflect back on the talk, the theme that really showed up in this episode for me was having the courage to start again. When we last connected over three years ago, Emily had built up her dream of building her own retreat centre with her then husband. Since then, her husband left her, they sold the retreat centre, and she's left her entrepreneurship career to start a new career as a sober companion. What I truly admire in this episode is Emily's vulnerable share, her standing in her truth, and really demonstrating for all of us what it means to have the courage to start again.
Emily can be found here: https://www.emilykilleen.com/#/
In this episode, Emily speaks about her Happy, Sober, Free Sedona Summit, which is happening in 2025. You can book this event here. https://www.happysoberfree.com/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0FL8J7f7_H1NbriWYng8ixLkA2IZTtce62nyaH9g_no7sgDItIan3GLgI_aem_vGk0Hc9gh4M52II3u0lm8w#/%E2%81%A3
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